Food around town
Food around town
Local places we love to dine off our exit:
Brimstone (PNW smokehouse)
Il Lucano (Traditional Italian cuisine)
Mizu (Japanese steak house)
Bella Femmina (Traditional Italian cuisine)
El Pueblito (Mexican)
Tides Tavern (Pizza, fish and chips, burgers)
Netshed No.9 (Breakfast and lunch on the water; open 8am-2pm)
Millville Pizza Co. (Rustic Italian-style specialty pizzas)
The Gourmet Burger Shop (Gourmet burger/seafood baskets & sides)
Puerto Vallarta (Mexican)
Devoted Kiss Café (Breakfast & a selection of lunch sandwiches)
Anthony's at Gig Harbor (PNW seafood chain)
Morso Bistro (New American cuisine)
For more restaurant options visit Uptown Gig Harbor or Gig Harbor North!